Discovering the Passion Behind Comics with ‘A Time Lost and Found’ Owner Frederick Marcus

As I walked down the thin road of Atlantic Avenue, at the end of the street corner was a little comic book store tucked away called ‘A Time Lost and Found.’ Before entering you notice it is a two-story building, which is where Frederick AKA ‘Fred’ lives with his young pup Titian (pronouced Tish). TheContinue reading “Discovering the Passion Behind Comics with ‘A Time Lost and Found’ Owner Frederick Marcus”


My name is Julia Riffle and I’m a senior at Rowan University studying communication with two minors in new media and journalism. I have a passion for pop culture merchandise collecting, gaming, anime, and cosplay! You may think, why someone who isn’t an actual comic buff making a blog about comic stores? Well, I haveContinue reading “Introduction”

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